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Effortlessly Build
Custom Mailing Lists

With Recipient Search, create mailing lists on demand and keep your pipeline full of qualified leads.

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Direct mail marketing mailing lists Direct Mail Marketing with Handwritten Letters and Postcards

Effortlessly Build Targeted Mailing Lists

Use Recipient Search to quickly create precise mailing lists, add contacts to your Address Book, and boost campaign efficiency—seamlessly and in real time.

Create Custom Mailing Lists in Real Time

  • Target recipients by location with map tools and refine your audience with precise demographic filters.

Close-up of a postcard with a postage stamp and postmark, symbolizing the creation of custom mailing lists in real time, utilizing geographic targeting and demographic filters for direct mail campaigns.
Close-up of a handwritten card with the LettrLabs logo and a QR code, personalized with a message to a recipient, demonstrating the ease of kicking off an acquisition campaign using custom mailing lists.

Launch Acquisition Campaigns in Minutes

Quickly turn your custom mailing lists into effective direct mail campaigns—ready in minutes.

How Recipient Search Works

Illustration of a map with highlighted areas and location pins, demonstrating the process of selecting a target area for recipient search using a polygon or radius tool.

Define Your Target Area

Quickly identify your target audience with map-based tools to precisely define the geographic areas that matter most for your campaigns.

Target Your Ideal Customers with Precision

Refine your audience using advanced filters like income, property type, and residency duration to ensure your message reaches the right recipients.

An illustration of a document with several profile icons and magnifying glasses highlighting specific details, symbolizing the process of targeting customers using filters. In the background, there are overlapping circular target shapes in light orange and beige.
Illustration of a computer monitor displaying an envelope with a message icon, representing the process of purchasing a custom mailing list and executing a direct mail campaign.

Purchase and Launch in Moments

Easily purchase your custom mailing list and submit your campaign. We’ll handle production immediately, so your campaign is ready in no time.

Track and Optimize

Monitor response rates and feedback to measure success and refine future outreach. Our upcoming analytics dashboard will provide actionable insights to maximize your results.

Illustration of a line graph with fluctuating blue waves, representing campaign performance data analysis for measuring the impact of direct mail outreach efforts.

Ensure Your Message is Delivered and Remembered

Avoid the common pitfalls of digital marketing—Unlock the full potential of our home services.

Request a Demo
Free $30 Credit to start mailing Graphic