Privacy Policy

Last updated: 09/10/2023

This policy describes how LettrLabs LLC, an Illinois limited liability company uses, and shares personal information. Note, use of your data is also subject to our Terms of Sale, and our Marketing Services Terms.

Types Of Information We Collect.

The following provides examples of the type of information that we collect from you and how we use that information, and what our interest is in using that information.

Account Registration
  • We collect your name, email address and contact information when you create an account with us to use our Products and/or Services.
  • We have a legitimate interest in providing information to you to provide the Products and/or Services.

Subscriber Information
  • We collect the name, email and contact information, of our subscribers and their Company and possibly their employees with whom we may interact.
  • We have a legitimate interest in contacting our subscribers and communicating with themconcerning normal administration.

Cookies and first party tracking
  • We use cookies and clear GIFs. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that a website sendsto a computer’s hard drive while a web site is viewed.
  • We have a legitimate interest in making our website operate efficiently.

Cookies and third party tracking
  • If you receive email from us, we use certain tools to capture data related to when you open ourmessage, click on any links or banners.
  • We have a legitimate interest in understanding how you interact with our communications to you.

  • If you provide us feedback or contact us for support we will collect your name and e-mailaddress, as well as any other content that you send to us, in order to reply.
  • We have a legitimate interest in receiving, and acting upon, your feedback or issues.

Mailing List
  • When you sign up for one of our mailing lists we collect your email address or postal address.
  • We have a legitimate interest in sharing information about our organization.

Mobile Devices
  • We collect information from your mobile device such as unique identifying information broadcastfrom your device when visiting our website.
  • We have a legitimate interest in identifying unique visitors, and in understanding how usersinteract with us on their mobile devices.

  • We collect your name, billing address, shipping address, e-mail address, phone number, andcredit card number when you subscribe to our Products and/or Services.
  • We use your information to perform our contract to provide you with our Products and/orServices.

Website interactions
  • We use technology to monitor how you interact with our website. This may include which linksyou click on, or information that you type into our online forms. This may also includeinformation about your device or browser.
  • We have a legitimate interest in understanding how you interact with our website to betterimprove it, and to understand your preferences and interests in order to select offerings that youmight find most useful. We also have a legitimate interest in detecting and preventing fraud.

Web logs
  • We collect information, including your browser type, operating system, Internet Protocol (IP)address (a number that is automatically assigned to a computer when the Internet is used),domain name, click-activity, referring website, and/or a date/time stamp for visitors.
  • We have a legitimate interest in monitoring our networks and the visitors to our website. Amongother things, it helps us understand which of our services is the most popular.

In addition to the information that we collect from you directly, we may also receive information aboutyou from other sources, including third parties, partners, our affiliates, or publicly available sources.


Use and Processing of Information.

In addition to the purposes and uses described above, we use information in the following ways:

  • To identify you when you visit our website.
  • To provide services.
  • To improve our service offerings.
  • To streamline the donation or payment process.
  • To conduct analytics.
  • To respond to inquiries related to support, employment opportunities, or other requests.
  • To send promotional materials, including information relating to our services or promotions.
  • For internal administrative purposes, as well as to manage our relationships.

Although the sections above describe our primary purpose in collecting your information, in manysituations we have more than one purpose. For example, if you complete an online donation we willcollect your information to perform our contract with you, but we also collect your information becausewe have a legitimate interest in maintaining your information after your donation is complete so that wecan quickly and easily respond to any questions about your donation. As a result, our collection andprocessing of your information is based in different contexts upon your consent, our need to perform acontract, our obligations under law, and/or our legitimate interest in conducting our business.


Sharing of Information.

In addition to the specific situations discussed elsewhere in this policy, we disclose information in thefollowing situations:

  1. Affiliates and Acquisitions. We may share information with our affiliates (e.g., parentorganization, sister organization, joint ventures, or other organizations under commoncontrol). If another organization acquires, or plans to acquire, our Company, operations,or our assets, we will also share information with that organization, including at thenegotiation stage.
  2. Other Disclosures with Your Consent. We may ask if you would like us to share yourinformation with other unaffiliated third parties who are not described elsewhere in thispolicy.
  3. Other Disclosures without Your Consent. We may disclose information in response tosubpoenas, warrants, or court orders, or in connection with any legal process, or tocomply with relevant laws. We may also share your information in order to establish orexercise our rights, to defend against a legal claim, to investigate, prevent, or take actionregarding possible illegal activities, suspected fraud, safety of person or property, or aviolation of our policies, or to comply with your request for the shipment of products toor the provision of services by a third party intermediary.
  4. Service Providers. We share your information with service providers. Among otherthings service providers help us to administer our website, conduct surveys, providetechnical support, process payments, and assist in the fulfillment of Services.


Your Choices.

You can make the following choices regarding your personal information:

  1. Access to Your Personal Information. You may request access to your personal information by contacting us at the address described below. If required by law, upon request, we will grant you reasonable access to the personal information that we have about you. Note that California residents may be entitled to ask us for a notice describing what categories of personal information (if any) we share with third parties or affiliates for direct marketing.
  2. Changes to Your Personal Information. We rely on you to update and correct your personal information. Note that we may keep historical information in our backup files as permitted by law. If our website does not permit you to update or correct certain information contact us at the address described below.
  3. Deletion of Your Personal Information. Typically we retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. You may, however, request information about how long we keep a specific type of information, or request that we delete your personal information by contacting us at the address described below. If required by law we will grant a request to delete information, but you should note that in many situations we must keep your personal information to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, or for another one of our business purposes.
  4. Objection to Certain Processing. You may object to our use of your personal information by contacting us at the address described below.
  5. Online Tracking. We do not currently recognize automated browser signals regarding tracking mechanisms, which may include "Do Not Track" instructions.
  6. Revocation of Consent. If you revoke your consent for the processing of personal information then we may no longer be able to provide you services. In some cases, we may limit or deny your request to revoke consent if the law permits or requires us to do so, or if we are unable to adequately verify your identity. You may revoke consent to processing (where such processing is based upon consent) by contacting us at the address described below.


How We Protect Personal Information.

No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is fully secure. While weuse reasonable efforts to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure,we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. In the event that we are required by lawto inform you of a breach to your personal information we may notify you electronically, in writing, or bytelephone, if permitted to do so by law.Our website permits you to create an account. When you do you will be prompted to create a password.You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, and you are responsible for anyaccess to or use of your account by someone else that has obtained your password, whether or notsuch access or use has been authorized by you. You should notify us of any unauthorized use of yourpassword or account.


California Privacy Act.

Under California law, residents of California are permitted to request details on how their information isshared with third parties for direct marketing purposes. If you are a California resident and would like tomake a request, please contact us at


Children’s Privacy.

We do not intentionally collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you areunder the age of 13, you can look at our websites, but you should not make a purchase, register, orsubmit personal information to us. If you feel that we have collected data on a child, please reach out tous at so that we can take appropriate action.


Users Outside the United States.

If you are a non-U.S. user of the Site, by visiting the Site and providing us with data, you understand andagree that the data you provide to us may be processed for the purposes listed in this Policy. You alsounderstand and agree that the data you provide to us may be processed in the United States. U.S. lawsregarding the processing of data may be less stringent than the laws of your country. By providing yourdata, you consent to this processing


Residents of the European Economic Area.

Upon request, residents of the EEA have the right to access the information we process about you, andto request that we correct, modify, or erase that information. You also have the right to opt out of orrestrict certain types of processing subject to applicable legal restrictions. If you have any questions oryou would like to exercise any of these rights, please reach out to us at We may takereasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.



The following additional information relates to our privacy practices:

  • Transmission of Information to Other Countries. As a company located in the United States,we process personal information in the United States. If you provide your personal informationto us your information will be processed in the United States where privacy laws may be lessstringent than the laws in your country. By submitting your personal information to us you agreeto the transfer, storage and processing of your information in a country other than your countryof residence including the United States.
  • Third Party Applications/Websites. We have no control over the privacy practices of websitesor applications that we do not own.
  • Changes to This Privacy Policy. We may change our privacy policy and practices over time.To the extent that our policy changes in a material way, the policy that was in place at the timethat you submitted personal information to us will generally govern that information unless wereceive your consent to the new privacy policy.


Contact Information.

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints concerning our privacypractices please contact us at the appropriate address below. We will attempt to respond to yourrequests and to provide you with additional privacy-related information.